Sunday, February 12, 2006

A new web-home

Well, with the death of (though it was more euthanatized), I will be posting here from now on, I think! (I would do the livejournal thing otherwise, but the whole friends-listing thing and everything just seems to be a whole lot of bother). So! This past week has been one roller-coaster of a ride. Spent the entire weekend getting our E-Ball model to work, while simultaneously preparing for a whack of midterms and co-op job interviews. The hard work (and copious amounts of stress) paid off though, when I got a co-op job (at the Technical Physics department in the University of Wurzburg, GERMANY!), and we helped Engineering Physics win both the Ball Model competition and E-Week! Pictures to come.


At 4:41 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

Holy shit, Matt. That's great. I'll help you brush up on your German.

"Ich heiße Matt. Nett Schnurrbart. Liebst du Mann? Weil, du wie es seist."

At 3:57 PM, Blogger diana said...

congratulations on getting a co-op job in germany! what do your parents think? how long are you going for? i'm soooo jealous! i went to cold lake for a co-op job, and that ain't germany!

you need to post something about the news.

please say you're going to do some travelling while you're in europe. i went backpacking last year for 5 weeks in europe, it was awesome!

At 10:25 PM, Blogger Rosanna =) said...

Awesome matt!! You're going to Germany!! When do you go?


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