Mein Bayern
Yeah, yeah, I know I've been lax in updating. July was quite a relaxed month in terms of travel, but nonetheless I went to a few places, specifically Heidelberg, to visit June, and Nuernberg (Nuremberg). More on those, and pictures, another time, though.
I just wanted to put a few words in here about the things I like out here, besides travel. It's been real nice, living a little differently than the usual 'student' lifestyle ("like real people", we say jokingly). Some scenes stand out in my mind as representative of my summer here:
- Watching the Bavarian countryside go by as I sit on a train going somewhere for the weekend,
- Chatting with friends the the courtyard of a centuries-old castle at an evening wine festival, watching a summer thunderstorm slowly roll in
- Simply sitting in a cafe, with a cup of coffee or perhaps a glass of cold Weissbier and a book, and occasionally looking up to take in the magnificent sunset.

hey matt, i'm here in vancouver with my parents, grandma, your parents, 8th aunt and family, and 9th aunt and family! all in your house! sometimes i forget how funny our family is. case in point: i see grandma for the first time in a few months and she says it looks like i've grown taller. nevermind the fact that i'm 24 years old and probably past my growth spurt already. then your mom says to grandma "you've probably shrunk (shrank?)" ahhh, good times.
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