Saturday, February 25, 2006

Tasty tasty

I just set a personal best for a tasty meal, I think. I managed to make a spaghetti casserole. So I go to Safeway, buy the sausage meat, veggies, etc., then I take it all back to Gage. Boil the spaghetti, dice the veggies, put it in a pot with the sausage meat, mix in the sauce, combine with pasta, put it all into a big dish, cover with cheese, and bake. Sooooo tasty. And it was a huge dish too so I think I'll have enough meals for the next 4 or 5 days. Jello is cooling in the fridge too. Will have that in another, oh...2 hours or so. Good food, taking the Saturday is good. Gotta do homework tomorrow though. Drat. Speaking of work, I just had an extremely gruelling week -- 4 midterms in three days. Now, it wouldn't be so bad, except included in those midterms was electromagnetism (PHYS 454), which is definitely not a happy course, and the midterm was horrible horrible. Microprogramming (EECE 259) and probability (MATH 318) went pretty well though, I think. Electronic circuits (EECE 254) came somewhere in between. I'm justifying my no-work day today by virtue of the sheer pain of the last three days. But! No work today! So I'm off nothing. Maybe play some video games. Eat Jello. Ah, blessed nothingness. Being bored is so awesome. [EDIT 12:38 am] Let it be known, that Jello made with ginger ale instead of cold water, is possibly the tastiest jelly innovation in dessert yet. Next step: Cascading Jello innovations, by layering multiple carbonated jello flavors with suspended cocktail fruit and cool whip. Hooah!


At 2:38 PM, Blogger Rosanna =) said...

mmm...that sounds good!!! A couple weeks ago I made a concoction of shell pasta, ground beef, sauce of course, and lotsa cheese on top!! It was really good too!! Matt goes, "you made a casserole?" And I go..."is that what it's called? I made a casserole!" hahaha...
that jello with ginger ale sounds awesome too!! I'm gonna try that! We should exchange easy recipes from now on!! hahaha....Di's contribution will be hasbrowns.

At 5:16 PM, Blogger diana said...

don't knock hashbrowns man, it takes skill to make.

i'm soooo trying the jello/ginger ale thing, that sounds so good. and mixing in fruit cocktail... heaven!

only white people know what casseroles are. what kind of sauce do you use? i might just have to try that one day.

and how long do pasta sauces last for? i've had two bottles for about 9 months, unopened, but don't know if i should risk using them.

At 7:16 PM, Blogger Matt Lam said...

If they're sealed they're probably fine. I had a jar I opened and used half, and left it for like 3 months then opened it last night. Bad idea.

I used tomato sauce but I imagine a white sauce would taste good. And what's this about only white people knowing what casseroles are? Chinese people are totally about the baked spaghetti dishes when they eat 'western food'!

At 10:32 PM, Blogger Swedish Sensation said...

I like the pasta sauces with garden veggies & lotsa mushrooms! That way, I feel like I'm getting something from the veggie food group. yeah, if unopened, it's got a pretty long shelf canned food.

oh, matt was on the computer earlier so i'm "currently posting as Matt."

At 6:03 AM, Blogger Ida's Studio said...

I don't know you guys are all good cooks :) I just had a MacDonald grilled chicken burger after a long day of work :(
Now with everyone got off from work late and at different times, almost no one in the house cooks. Even my Mom cooks once every two to three months!

At 8:52 AM, Blogger diana said...

matt - you're so right about baked pasta dishes when chinese people are eating "western food." but instead of tomato sauce, we use ketchup! which, in my opinion, tastes better anyways! hahah. to this day, my mom makes spaghetti with ketchup and our whole family eats it that way.


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