Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Another overdue update

So it appears that the summer has gone right by. I was just starting to get into it! The work was just getting interesting. Good thing that it looks like we can continue the project for my project course.

Speaking of courses, here's a brief summary of what I will in fact be busying myself with for the next eight months:

  • MATH 400 - Applied Partial Differential Equations
  • PHYS 402 - Quantum Mechanics II
  • PHYS 410 - Computational Physics
  • PHYS 473 - Nuclear Physics
  • EECE 356 - Electronic Circuits II
  • MTRL 478 - Electronic Materials
  • APSC 450 - Professional Engineering Practice
  • APSC 479 - the aforementioned Project Lab
  • CPSC 303 - Numerical Modelling of Dynamic Systems
  • EECE 450 - Engineering Economics
  • EECE 453 - Communication Systems
  • ANTH 100 - Intro to Anthropology (hee hee, serves me right for forgetting to take a technical elective in first year
  • PHYS 455 - Statistical Mechanics
  • PHYS 458 - Applied Optics
  • MUSC 409C - Jazz Theory and Arranging
So yeah, one of these courses is not like the others. Which one of these does not belong? :P I'm glad I'm taking the music course though. It will be the single course I take at UBC that will not count for my degree, and it's just something I have always wanted to take. Totally worth the excessive course load. I am, however, getting tired of the student services people sending me e-mails to tell me that they have taken the liberty of de-registering me from courses becuase I am "taking too many credits". Bah! I need to graduate in 5 years!

Besides school, Snowstar still isn't letting up. We're getting close to a do-or-die date though, so if it doesn't work, then there's no more for the project...and if it does work, there is only minor optimization and stuff for everything to finally be done.

Audition for Band this Thursday! I have definitely not practiced as much as I should have this summer...what with work and Snowstar and all. Hopefully I'll make the cut again!

I'm sure that more has happened this summer, but I am just forgetting everything. Early day tomorrow; time to hit the sack!


At 8:29 AM, Blogger Ida's Studio said...

Updated finally! Once in one and a half month!

At 1:00 AM, Blogger Ida's Studio said...

I had Engineering Economics before too, and I guess that "professional engineering practice" is those once every week course about what's it like in the real world, and secretly tell you what will happen at the Iron Ring Ceremony.

At 7:14 PM, Blogger diana said...

when i read that list, it translated to "blah blah blah" in my head b/c it was like it was in a different language.

i've heard bits and pieces about the iron ring ceremony. you engineers are intense. sounds like such a cult.

At 12:24 AM, Blogger Matt Lam said...

So it turns out that "Professional Engineering Practice" is just a silly ethics course. Puh....engineers teaching ethics. Yeah, right.

I'm curious to find out what happens in the Iron Ring ceremony. Do you still wear your Iron Ring, Ida?

At 5:37 AM, Blogger Ida's Studio said...

I still have my iron ring on, but I guess my hand is less "fat" than before and it slips down quite easily, and I almost lost it for several times. I asked for a bigger size when I tried it on but the counselor in the department said when I was out in the field, my hands would become smaller because of the cold so it's just fit. He seems to be quite right.

As for the Iron Ring Ceremony, we are not supposed to tell anyone who haven't been to one :P haha :)

At 3:10 PM, Blogger Matt Lam said...

Soon enough, then, soon enough :P


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