Friday, November 09, 2007

Clock out: 3:24am

Not bad for an evening's work. 9 hours, 3 deliverables, 20 pages...

Alternate titles for this post: "What am I doing with my life?", "Watch the pages go by", "Busy", "hgglghfughh", "Sleep is for the weak"


At 7:28 AM, Blogger Ida's Studio said...

I have to say you have ugly hand writing :P As a former assignment marker and TA, I have to say you are not the type of students markers like. Thank goodness there're computers nowadays.

(Just kidding)

At 4:46 PM, Blogger diana said...

how i don't miss the days of university. doing assignments or studying at all hours of the night. i don't know how i did it. if sleep is for the weak, then i'm the weakest person alive. but well rested. at least i try to be.


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