Productivity and Coffeehouse Invasions
What a productive weekend! Suffice to say that in the past 2 days I've done more useful stuff than the last 5, when I was supposed to be reviewing for four midterms. I've managed to make a massive grocery run, do assorted errands, cook a kickin' meal (see previous entry), make arrangements for flying to Montreal (for CEC, woot), and doing half the fluid mech homework to boot! This is unheard of, doing half the assignment 3 days before it's due; typically I'm the kind of person to start the problem set about 12 hours before it's time to hand it in.
So! Jason, Paul and I hit up the Beanery to jam...well, less 'hit up' and more just 'invaded'. It was fun; hopefully it can be a nigh-weekly occurence. Pictures follow:

Jason on bass, Paul on drums, and yours truly at the piano.

Me while playing. Do I always look this ridiculous at the piano?
Hey Matt,
So cool to discover another of the "Fizzer by day, musician by night" type. And we even use the same templates for our blogs. What coincidence!
Where do you go play/practice while living in Gage?
What a coincidence indeed; I sent you an e-mail just a couple of hours ago. I didn't know you played music too, that's really cool!
I have an electronic piano that I play in my room. I've been meaning to put my education to use and build an amplifier yet, but I just haven't found the time.
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