Productivity and Coffeehouse Invasions
What a productive weekend! Suffice to say that in the past 2 days I've done more useful stuff than the last 5, when I was supposed to be reviewing for four midterms. I've managed to make a massive grocery run, do assorted errands, cook a kickin' meal (see previous entry), make arrangements for flying to Montreal (for CEC, woot), and doing half the fluid mech homework to boot! This is unheard of, doing half the assignment 3 days before it's due; typically I'm the kind of person to start the problem set about 12 hours before it's time to hand it in.
So! Jason, Paul and I hit up the Beanery to jam...well, less 'hit up' and more just 'invaded'. It was fun; hopefully it can be a nigh-weekly occurence. Pictures follow:

Jason on bass, Paul on drums, and yours truly at the piano.

Me while playing. Do I always look this ridiculous at the piano?